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Writer/producer/DJ/Artist"ERIK TRAVIS"

He is most known for his unique style of track making.One of Detroit's early pioneers of Techno. Producing electronic tracks since 1983.

His ability to cross many planes of track producing makes him one of Detroit's unique track makers.Producing tracks for Metroplex (Techno drivers), Clone records (Make you rock). collaboration  includes Mike banks ,Submerge distribution, Databass records and more while maintaining his label "Othofact" formally "F.a.c.t. Records". #ErikTravisMostHatedProducer

OTHOFACT.COM.  Detroit based independent  Record label since 2017. selling 12' vinyl  records, digital music, and more...
Creativity in music defined. Each person has their choice of music.
We help provide choices by going beyond the music
bounderies of industry standard.OTHOF.A.C.T RECORDS


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